Legal & Medical Assistance Made Easy!

About Our Non-Profit

Our Non-Profit has an aim of connecting brain injury victims with medical and legal services. Many people find themselves in accidents that result in brain injuries. Our nonprofit works to connect these brain injury victims with prompt and affordable legal and medical services to help them recover from their traumatic event. We know that medical treatment can be extremely expensive and quality legal representation can be hard to find, our nonprofit seeks to make these decisions easier for families and a lot more transparent.

Beverly Law Firm

Beverly Law Firm is a well-respected personal injury law firm with extensive experience working with those suffering from brain injuries and making sure that if they were injured in an accident that they are compensated for those injuries.

This company helps those with brain injuries find inpatient rehabilitation centers near them so that they can compare the quality of care that inpatient rehabilitation facilities provide to patients, as that can vary from facility to facility.

Centre for Neuro Skills

Centre for Neuro Skills is a rehabilitation facility that believes that people recovering from brain injuries should be treated with respect and dignity and have been assisting brain injury victims since 1972.

Common Injuries and What We Do:

Common Injuries

Part of our mission is to help those who have been in unexpected accidents. From car wrecks to bad falls or electrocution accidents, we are here for victims of brain and head injuries such as: Traumatic Brain Injury, Hematoma, Hemorrhage, Concussion, Edema, Skull fracture, and Diffuse axonal injury.  These injuries can greatly impact a victims quality of life without treatment. We aim to connect everyday people with the treatment they need and deserve. We also aim to connect them with representation in the event that their injuries were caused in an accident under circumstances they could not control or avoid.

Partnering Brain Injury Assistance

When you partner with Brain Injury Victims Assistance we will help you get the help your brain injury requires. Were you injured in an accident due to someone else’s negligence? We can help you get in contact with top attorneys who have experience working with people who have sustained brain injuries. Do you need a top medical professional near you? We can help connect you with medical professionals that specialize in your specific injury.

What can Brain Injury Assistance do for you?

Brain injury Victims Assistance is here to make getting real help easier for you. We know that is is hard to know what to do once you or a family member have experienced a brain jury. We are constantly scouting the best resources for brain injury victims and making sure they can get the help they need.

What You’ll Find in the Portal

We know that finding legal and medical help after a brain injury can be difficult. Our staff would like to make this process easier for you and your loved ones. You will find three organizations that can help you with your recovery and make sure you get the help you need to make sure you get what you deserve.

We will continue to add and update our list of recommended organizations as we continue to build a network for brain injury victims. We know that a lot of brain injuries can be caused by accidents that are no fault of your own. We are here to help those who have been in car accidents, trucking accidents, boating accidents and more as you and your family work to find a new normal and get the treatments you need.